Thinking about his baby
On fire
Year: 1987
Album: Big Thing
Year: 1987
Album: Big Thing
Year: 1988
Album: Big Thing
People hold on
Do they know it’s christmas
This is the right time (USA)
Year: 1989
Album: What's that noise?
Year: 1989
Band Aid II
Year: 1989
Album: Affection
All around the world
This is the right time (EU)
You can deny it
Year: 1989
Album: Affection
Year: 1990
Album: Affection
Year: 1990
Album: Affection
What did I do to you
Live together
Down in the depths
Year: 1990
Album: Affection
Year: 1990
Album: Affection
Year: 1990
Album: Red, hot & blue
Change (EU)
Change (USA)
All woman
Year: 1991
Album: Change
Year: 1991
Album: Change
Year: 1991
Album: Change
Time to make you mine
Set your loving free
All around the world
Year: 1992
Album: Change
Year: 1992
Album: Change
Year: 1992
Album: Just for you
In all the right places *
So Natural
Year: 1992
Album: The bodyguard soundtrack
Year: 1993
Album: So natural
Year: 1993
Album: So natural
Little bit of heaven
Dream away
The real thing
Year: 1993
Album: So natural
Year: 1994
Album:The pagemaster soundtrack
Year: 1997
Album: Lisa Stansfield
Never, never gonna give you up
The line
Don't cry for me **
Year: 1997
Album: Lisa Stansfield
Year: 1997
Album: Lisa Stansfield
Year: 1997
Album: Lisa Stansfield
Let’s just call it love
Treat me like a woman
If I hadn’t got you
Year: 2001
Album: Face up
Year: 2004
Album: The moment
Year: 2004
Album: The moment
Carry on
So be it
There goes my heart
Year: 2014
Album: Seven
Year: 2014
Album: Seven
Year: 2014
Album: Seven+
Never ever
Year: 2018
Album: Deeper
Year: 2018
Album: Deeper